Zhengzhong ZHOU







Ph. D, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Engineering, Singapore-MIT Alliance, National University of Singapore, 2011

B. Eng, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, 2007





1) Forward osmosis membrane technology

Forward osmosis is one feasible technology to address the water scarcity   issue faced by the globe. It is able to save the operation energy in producing pure water from seawater or wastewater, with novel draw solutes available. My current research is focused on the following two areas:

   - Designing and fabricating novel forward osmosis membranes with high water flux and high salt rejection for various FO applications;
   - Theoretical studies on the mass transport mechanisms in forward osmosis;

2) Chiral separation using membranes

My research on chiral separation was done via the following approaches:

    - Designing and modifying the chiral selectors grafted on membranes for better separation;
    - Integration of technologies such as Iso-electric focusing in membrane chiral separation;
    - Exploitation of bio-macromolecules such as proteins as chiral selectors.

© Copyright 2015 Jim Yang Lee
National University of Singapore